Yesterday we had parents evening for the girls, they are doing fantastic! Lacey is doing amazingly, she is so clever, where she gets her brains from I do not know! her teacher said she is brilliant at reading, numbers and shapes and her writing is great too, she is very outgoing and confident and she never misbehaves she had nothing negative to say about Lacey at all, I couldn't be any more proud.
Rhianna is coming on great too, although she is quite behind she is making progress, she went into year 1 with small goals set and she has reached them goals, her teacher has now set her new goals for the end of the year which she thinks she is more then capable of reaching, she does tried hard though and I have seen an improvement in her reading (gone up two levels) and her writing, she is very well behaved at school also. So proud of my girls.
After easter Lucas will be attending nursery 4 sessions a week! two mornings and two afternoons and best of all it is now FREE i have been paying for the last 7 months but now he gets to attend free, he is going to love it, he gets bored at home having nobody to play with and he is better behaved on the days he does attend nursery (he currently goes two mornings a week). He is getting better at walking to and from places, aslong as they are short distance, a few months ago i couldn't even think about letting him walk the girls to school he was always strapped in his buggy, if he walked it would end up with him on the floor throwing a paddy and me sweating like a pig and getting very stressed out, but this morning I walked him with the girls and he walked really well not throwing one tantrum, my big boy will be three at the end of April and he is starting to grow up.
Connor is doing well, I am getting him weighed this afternoon, he had alot of trouble with diarrhoea and last week went through 8 pairs of clothes in just one day, he was very fussy and had lots of wind, infacol was not working, I decided to change his milk from cow and gate to SMA and within a few days he is no longer a pooping machine! his poop is still soft but it's not pure water anymore and he doesn't have as many explosions. He is no longer fussy during the day but he does still have his moments every night from 7pm to about 12am he is very fussy, wingy and colicky, nothing compared to Lucas though which is good, I am going to get some gripe water which i used with Lucas and see if that works in the evenings, fingers crossed.
Greetings Sarah! I just have a quick question about your blog I was hoping you could answer whenever you got a free moment! My name is Heather and my email is Lifesabanquet1(at) :-)