Friday, 15 March 2013

Biscuits & Syrup

Biscuits and Syrup
I hope that everyone had a good Mothers Day - mine started with breakfast in bed (a very random breakfast chosen by my daughters) It consisted of porridge (yum)  a little dish of banana custard (yum although a little random with porridge) a handful of grapes and 3 rich tea biscuits with a little dish of syrup to dip them in!!  my husband said they picked it themselves  I'm glad he said that as I would have been a bit worried had he chosen the biscuits and syrup for my breakfast. They also got me some flowers and a  teddy bear.

We spent the day out of the house paying visits to our own mothers, still it was a nice day as my children were with me. We got home around 3pm and spent the rest of the evening bathing the kids, washing school clothes and doing dinner before putting the kids to bed and crashing on the sofa.

Tummy time & Smiles
Connor turned one month old today (where did that time go?) and he also had his first tummy time, he amazed me at how well he could hold his head up especially for a first time. 

He is also starting to do his first smiles, he did two yesterday and I am trying to catch one on camera but no luck yet.

He is doing really well and I am sad at how fast the time seems to be going but I am enjoying every minute of it, even when he screams for what seems like hours with belly ache but compared to Lucas' colic his is nothing I can't handle, I am just thankful it's not as bad as Lucas' was. 

Thank you for your views
Thank you to everyone who left their views on my previous entry, I also had views left on Twitter, Facebook and a mummy group I visit, and it seems the majority of woman never feel content with their decision to be done, even though they know they have to be done, it must be a maternal thing and I feel better knowing that it's considered "normal". 

Red Nose Day
Today is Red Nose Day and the girls have gone to school with red hair and red clothes. Rhianna has very blonde hair and I am hoping all the red comes out as it is very bright!

They also have a cake stall on this afternoon which I am sure Daddy will take them too as he finishes work early on Fridays and likes being able to join in with some school events when he can, he misses a lot being at work during the day. Who will be watching Red Nose tonight?? I sure will.


  1. Whaaaaat?! A whole month?! That's crazy, tiem really does fly! And WTG connor on holding is his head up so well. Aww.
    Hope the red comes out of her Rhiannas hair. xx#

    P.s Now following via networked blogs :D)

  2. Hey hun, I tagged you in my post x
